Trump Jr Triggered by David Pakman

Image of Donald Trump Jr in his non-triggered, semi-triggered, and severely triggered states. Elite to hillbilly in 4 seconds

Donald Trump Jr triggered AGAIN? Just about anything sets off this elite silver spooner who spends most of his life now trying to convince rubes of his family’s victimhood. Headlines in Reich-wing media echo chambers — if they were honest, which they rarely are — should read “Trump Jr Triggered by David Pakman”. Daddy’s little MAGAt was so triggered that he unleashed his hate-filled online thug army to cancel culture the progressive commentator by contacting his advertisers (it didn’t work). Mr. Pakman has for a while now been a rising star in the field of political podcasters / YouTubers who challenge the victimhood narratives handed down to Cult 45 by its power-drunk and vividly insane billionaire leader.

What was Pakman guilty of, in the minds of infamously hypocritical fake news white nationalist frauds such as Junior, Candy Owens, Lego-man liar Hannity, Two-face Carlson, and Alex Jones (the man who literally got rich from exploiting the dead children of Sandy Hook Elementary)?? Pakman was once again reminding his audience how today’s Reich-wingers abhor any move to prevent the nation’s future child killers from getting their hands on the most efficient weapons for making those nightmares become reality. As we all know, MAGAts and other sadistic “patriots” pay lip service to children who are shredded by bullets, and have only prayers to offer.

Trump Jr Triggered by David Pakman

Since today’s Reich-wingers as a rule can’t accept or even interpret reality, they didn’t quite figure out that David’s tweet was about their utter lack of concern — as measured by their utter lack of action — about the #1 cause of death for children in the “United” States. Your typical MAGAt politician like Gregory Wayne Abbott blames this child slaughter on mental health yet votes against funding mental health care. What a useless political party. If it were zygotes, blastocysts, embryos, and fetuses getting shot, the GOP would care. But children? Nope.

Very surprising that there would be a mass shooting at a Christian school, given that lack of prayer is often blamed for these horrible events. Is it possible they weren’t praying enough, or correctly, despite being a Christian school?”
— David Pakman (@dpakman) March 27, 2023

Everyone agrees that children should not be shot and are not responsible for being shot. Despite the obvious, all the un-Jesus-like Christian Supremacist ghouls become indignant if you point out how their political policy of Thoughts and Prayers and Sell More Guns only ensures that more children will be viciously executed by self-appointed firing squads who were gifted by the GOP’s warped interpretations of the 2nd Amendment. Since the golden rule for MAGAts is to never, ever admit fault in any way for anything at any time, they inject red herrings and scapegoats into social media after every shooting, frantically trying to shift attention away from the one constant in the equation: guns (or if you want to use the politically correct term, “firearms”).

The emptiest words ever spoken by a man

Decent Americans are insulted at how empty the words are every time a GOP politician like 45 pays lip service to the victims of AR-15 enthusiasts / predators. This tweet by the failed former POTUS encapsulates their formal gun policy:


Using this MAGAt standard of doing nothing about the American tradition of shooting your compatriots, the Trump response to our beloved friend Vladimir shooting up America would be something like: “Our prayers and condolences to the families of the victims of Russia’s aggression. No child, teacher, or anyone else should ever feel unsafe in America”. And then the GOP would proceed to do nothing — except perhaps praise and strengthen the Russian military.

Original photo by Gage Skidmore. AI images created with NightCafe Studio.

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