Category: Troll Watch

Image of Donald Trump Jr in his non-triggered, semi-triggered, and severely triggered states. Elite to hillbilly in 4 seconds

Trump Jr Triggered by David Pakman

Donald Trump Jr triggered AGAIN? Just about anything sets off this elite silver spooner who spends most of his life now trying to convince rubes of his family’s victimhood. Headlines in Reich-wing media echo chambers — if they were honest, which they rarely are — should read “Trump Jr Triggered by David Pakman”. Daddy’s little MAGAt…
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An astronaut on Mars. Elon’s billionaire mind virus ensures that he does not play well with others; he belongs on Mars, alone

Elon’s Billionaire Mind Virus

Elon Musk will not solve humanity’s problems. If anything, he will worsen them with his elitist class warfare against populations foreign and domestic and his $44B personal propaganda network that purposefully accelerates animosity and social division. If you pay Elon every month to use Twitter, you contribute to the Billionaire Mind Virus, regardless of your…
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Politician Holds Political Rally at a Funeral

Cynical move to get black votes A politician in the “United” States held a political rally at a funeral in an attempt to shore up his support among mentally ill African American voters. Political culture in the nation hit a new low as the former reality television celebrity burst into bizarre stream of consciousness whinging that…
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Tucker promotes Right-wing Violence AGAIN as he sits behind his Ministry of Propaganda desk with his trademark punchable face

Tucker Promotes Right-wing Violence AGAIN

Carlson claims a rigged [Brazilian] election with zero evidence When right-wingers engage in violence anywhere across the globe, we can always count on non-journalist† / neo-fascist propagandist Tucker Carlson to provide encouragement or excuses for them. This week was a *ucker love-fest for the fine upstanding Brazilians who took a page from the MAGAt playbook…
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Elon, king of the trolls, a narcissistic cunt who would be quite happy if we asked him to serve as king of Earth and Mars.

Hello Elon, Goodbye Twitter

280 characters: Still idiotic I’ve never liked Twitter. I intentionally ignored it during its first decade of existence. Since the idea of censoring yourself down to 140 characters was idiotic, Twitter eventually assumed that 280 characters would only be half-idiotic. Yet in 2022, idiocy seems more and more to be the aim of the platform.…
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Jesus helping Mr Trump build the wall— because Jesus also suffers Wall Derangement Syndrome

lllll Wall of FRAUD lllll

Murican “Christians” seem to believe that Jesus held a deep animosity or even hatred towards migrants. Why else are they afflicted with Wall Derangement Syndrome? Wall Derangement Syndrome As a scholar right here in Montreal has concluded, walls are a waste. She also has ideas about how to instead use the resources, which you can read about…
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Kim Jong-un holding a pistol, a dead BLOTUS on the ground. Catharsis through art can be achieved with a very taboo image.

The Dead Showman

South Korean artist Lim Young-sun knows how to deal with trolls like BLOTUS. Above is a scene from his art exhibition in Seoul. We see a satirical look at the diplomacy over the Korean peninsula “featuring two of the world’s biggest showmen”. Sometimes we can only achieve catharsis through art. Catharsis through Art In a…
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Trump Crime Family: Update on the Moscow Tower Lie

Most Earthlings who [1] follow world events and [2] aren’t susceptible to Murican right-wing propaganda networks understand that the current Executive Office of the President of the United States is hopelessly entangled with Mr Trump’s past, present, and future (if he has a future) business interests. Equally obvious is Mr Trump’s curious allegiance to Mr…
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Artist's rendition of Trump's face hole—an asshole where the mouth should be. Trump's mouth must be his asshole because only verbal diarrhea comes out of it. And Nobody Can Prove Trump Isn’t An Asshole!

Nobody Can Prove Trump Isn’t An Asshole

“Donald J. Trump” by u g i s@futurelandfillpress   The Asshole Challenge Go ahead and try to prove Trump isn’t an asshole. We can randomly pick any day of Trump’s “presidency” for a demonstration of just how massive an asshole he is, such as when Twitler tried to summon his pathetic knowledge of history to insult…
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