CNN Is A National Disgrace

CNN is a national disgrace for giving 69 minutes of airtime to a radical mentally ill extremist incapable of speaking truth.

This goes beyond a clown and his circus

CNN could be worse: they could present verifiably false information as fact each day in a manner consistent with what cost Fox “News” nearly $800M recently. But if the network proved one thing on May 10, it’s that CNN is a national disgrace too. That’s the day they gave a national megaphone to a demagogic predator whose narcissistic personality disorder has already been pivotal in the growth of neofascism as American Empire declines. May 10 was not journalism; it was perhaps the most wretched reality television show conceived. We have little choice but to conclude that CNN has joined Fox in valuing ratings [money] more than journalism, nation be damned.

During this already infamous “Clown Hall”, the former failed President’s sadistic mob metaphorically grabbed the megaphone from the feckless host and provided nationwide validation and a new sense of puissance to the MAGAt zombie horde. Since these dull American minds believe themselves to be “the silent majority” in the 2020s (never mind all data pointing to the opposite), nobody needed CNN to donate more agit-trash for them to adopt and adapt as weapons in their war against reality. This Trump propaganda rally sponsored by CNN didn’t earn Donald a single vote — it only strengthened resolve among an authoritarian’s foot soldiers while boosting the ego of their cult’s leader.


“Kill the baby at 9 months or after it was born”? Host Kaitlan Collins did not seem to care about Trump’s claim. So much for journalism.


Why CNN Is A National Disgrace

The Clown Hall event further degraded the already low standards of cable news. CNN over the years has donated millions of dollars to Trump’s political ambitions (in the form of publicity), which they have every right to do. May 10, however, was a dream come true for Donald: he could freely Gish gallop with his firehose of falsehood while being cheered on by members of his cult, completely neutering a powerless moderator (and thus any hint of reliable information). CNN is a national disgrace precisely because this was entirely predictable. Do they care about journalism still?

Perhaps CNN supposed that Trump’s gleeful misogyny and disdain for anything resembling the truth would somehow matter to the mythical “undecided voter”. After the event, CNN anchor Anderson Cooper tried to gaslight everyone who was unhappy with the network’s giving yet more legitimacy to a compulsive liar who continues to drag tens of millions of thoughtless, unthinking, simple Americans into his upside-down land. You really start to wonder if those steering the ship (John Malone and Chris Licht) want Trump to win in 2024 simply because it would undoubtedly help CNN’s ratings. If so, there’s a luxury sauna in Hell waiting for them.

The Only Way to do a Trump Town Hall

There is only one way to do a Town Hall with Donald Trump without aiding his quest to destroy reality. A foghorn needs to be installed at the event. Each time Mr. Trump lies, the foghorn should sound. This would enlighten viewers as to how rarely Donald Trump states facts because it would become a continuously ear-piercing event. And honestly, if you are still a Trump supporter in 2023, you deserve to have your hearing ruined.

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